// This program accepts any number of purchase prices// and computes state sales tax as 6% of the value// and city sales tax as 2% of the value// Modify the program so that the user enters// the two tax rates// at the start of the pricenum STATE_TAX_RATE = 0.06num CITY_TAX_RATE = 0.02num totalTaxnum totalstartUp()while price not equal to 0mainLoop()endwhilefinishUp()stopstartUp()output "Enter a price or 0 to quit"input pricereturnmainLoop()totalTax = price * STATE_TAX_RATE + price * CITY_TAX_RATEtotal = price + totalTaxoutput "Price is " , price, " and total tax is ", totalTaxoutput "Total is ", totaloutput "Enter a price or 0 to quit"input pricereturnfinishUp()output "End of program"return

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