You are an investment banker and you would like to put together a brief statistical report of the most viewed stock quotes for the day. To complete this task, you will research stock prices at and create a report using the analysis ToolPak.

a) Open excel and create a new workbook. Save the workbook as e08m1Stocks_LastFirst.

b) Navigate to and locate the five most-view stock prices for the day.

c) Type the Symbol in cell B2 and type Last Sale Price in cell 3.

d) Type the corresponding stock symbols and prices in columns B and C.

e) Load the Analysis ToolPak add-in, if necessary, as described in the chapter.

f) Use the Data Analysis command and select Descriptive Statistics. Use the following specifications:

Select the range C2:C7 as the input range.

Select or deselect the Labels in first row check box, based on the input data you selected.

Select the output range E2.

Select Summary statistics.

g) Create a footer with your name on the left side, the name of the worksheet in the middle, and the file name code on the right side.

h) Save and close the workbook, and submit based on your instructor's directions.

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