20.06.2023 • 
Computers and Internet

Where are passwords stored in Opera?


Opera is a powerful browser that offers many useful features, including a built-in password manager. This feature enables users to securely store their login information for the websites they visit, making it easy to log in without having to remember complex passwords. However, some users may wonder where their passwords are stored in Opera. In this article, we'll explore where Opera stores passwords, how to view them, and how to manage them.

Where are passwords stored in Opera?

To understand where passwords are stored in Opera, it's important to know that the browser uses a secure encryption system to protect users' passwords. This system encrypts passwords using a master password, which only the user knows. The passwords are then stored in a file on the user's computer, which is called the "Opera Wand Data" file. The exact location of this file may vary depending on the operating system you're using. For example, in Windows, the file is typically located in the following directory: "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable". On a Mac, the file can be found in the following directory: "/Users/[Username]/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.Opera".

How to view passwords stored in Opera

To view passwords stored in Opera, open the browser and click on the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner. Then, click on "Settings" and scroll down to the "Autofill" section. Click on the "Passwords" option to view a list of websites for which Opera has stored passwords. You can then click on any site to view the username and password that are stored.

How to manage passwords in Opera

If you want to manage your passwords in Opera, you can do so by clicking on the "Manage passwords" link in the "Passwords" section. This will bring up a list of all stored passwords, which you can edit or delete as needed. You can also enable or disable Autofill for passwords in the "Autofill" section.


In conclusion, Opera stores passwords in a secure file on the user's computer, using a master password for encryption. Users can view and manage their stored passwords by accessing the "Passwords" section of the browser's settings. With Opera's built-in password manager, users can enjoy a more secure and convenient browsing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I import passwords from another browser into Opera?
  2. Yes, you can import passwords from another browser by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner, selecting "Bookmarks and Settings," and then clicking on "Import bookmarks and settings." From there, select the browser you want to import passwords from and follow the instructions.

  3. How can I change my master password in Opera?
  4. To change your master password in Opera, go to the "Passwords" section of the browser's settings, click on "Change master password," and follow the prompts.

  5. Is it safe to store passwords in Opera's password manager?
  6. Yes, Opera uses strong encryption to protect stored passwords and recommends using a strong master password for added security.

  7. Can I use Opera's password manager on other devices?
  8. Yes, if you sign in to your Opera account on other devices, your stored passwords will be synced automatically.

  9. What should I do if I forget my Opera master password?
  10. If you forget your Opera master password, you'll need to reset it by clicking on the "Forgot your master password?" link in the "Passwords" section of the browser's settings. You'll be prompted to enter your Opera account password and create a new master password.

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