10.06.2020 • 

A set of Pokemon cards consists of n different cards. The cards are sold as different sizedrandomly selected packs. Each pack is a subset of the set of Pokemon cards. There arem suchpacks. You happen to know which cards were placed in which packs. You want to select aminimum set of packs such that you will get at least one of every every card in the set.1. Show this problem is in NP.2. Give a verification algorithmfor this problem.3. Prove your algorithm is correct.4. The Vertex Cover problem is already known to be NP-complete. We can show thatPokemon is NP-complete by reducing Vertex Cover to Pokemon.a) Give a reduction from Vertex Cover to Pokemon. The reduction takesinput to Vertex Cover and converts it into input to Pokemon.b) Prove your reduction is correct.

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