01.02.2021 • 

The following paragraph is wordy and full of awkward, hard-to-read sentences. Edit these paragraphs to make them more readable and user friendly by using clear and con-cise words and sentences.It has been verified conclusively by this writer that our institution must of necessity in-stall more bicycle holding racks for the convenience of students, faculty, and staff. These parking modules should be fastened securely to walls outside strategic locations on the campus. They could be positioned there by work crews or even by the security forces who vigilantly and constantly patrol the campus grounds. There are many students in particular who would value the installation of these racks. Their bicycles could be sta-tioned there by them, and they would know that safety measures have been taken to ensure that none of their bicycles would be apprehended or confiscated illegally. Besides the precaution factor, these racks would afford users maximized convenience in utilizing their means of transportation when they have academic business to conduct, whether at the learning resource center or in the instructional facilities.

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