30.11.2020 • 

(01.01 MC) Read the story description and historical context for "Daughter of Invention" and answer the question. Story Description: Imagine moving to a new country and trying to fit in. People at school are calling you mean names, your mother is spending her nights designing crazy contraptions, and your father is still terrified of the secret police back in the Dominican Republic. Now, imagine you have to deliver a speech in front of your whole school. In "Daughter of Invention," the narrator recalls this time in her life and her mother's last invention. Historical Context: General Rafael Trujillo became the President of the Dominican Republic in 1930. His dictatorship lasted for decades. During that time, Trujillo established a secret police force that he used to censor the press and punish (including torture and murder) those who opposed him. One of Trujillo's most heinous crimes against humanity was his order that led to the massacre of approximately 20,000 Haitians. One of Trujillo's nicknames was "Chapita." Select the detail that supports the idea that General Trujillo would do whatever it takes to remain in power. He began ruling the Dominican Republic in 1930. He established a secret police force to censor the press. He ordered the massacre of approximately 20,000 Haitains. He was nicknamed "Chapita," which means "bottle cap."

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