23.06.2019 • 

1. a: congratulations on your job with busyjet! tell me about the b_ _ _ _ _ _ _. b: well, i have a medical insurance and free flights anywhere in the world. 2. a: how did your uncle become so rich? b: he opened a chai of supermarkets around the country and made a f_ _ _ _ _ _ from them. 3. a: why is julie working so hard these days? she never goes out with us any more. b: she wants to get a p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at work and make more money. 4. a: as a waiter, i earn a very low w_ _ _. in fact, is not enough to survive. b: maybe you need to find a second job. 5. a: have you got a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for your new job yet? b: no, i've got an appointment with the boss to sign it tomorrow morning. 6. a: if the company i work for does well, all of the staff get a b_ _ _ _ at the end of the year. isn't that great? b: wow, you're lucky! we get nothing. 7. a: i did my best to win my employer's r_ _ _ _ _ _, but it didn't happen. b: i'm not surprised; all of your ideas were silly. 8. a: are looking forward to retiring and get your p_ _ _ _ _ _, grandma? b: yes, i am. i'm going to use the money to travel.

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