23.09.2021 • 

1. Go to the following article: • https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-power-slow/202006/why-we-need-think-ourselves
2. Read article completely.
3. Open a Microsoft Word document and complete the following steps:
Step 1
Start your page with an APA citation for the article
• Use Citation Machine to generate your citation by following this link: https://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-book
Step 2
Summarize the article in 200 to 250 words. The idea is to show that you understand the author’s argument. Do this by summarizing the argument clearly. You must identify the main idea and the key points that are used to support it. What is the author saying, and what evidence is the author providing?
Step 3
Analyze the article in 200 to 250 words. Here you look at how the argument is organized and explain why it is effective. You should point out details the author has or has not used and the point of view of the author. You should offer no opinion. Do not to agree or disagree with the author, but discuss the writing strategies and effectiveness. What is the argument? How does the author present his key points? How does the language used contribute to its effectiveness? Focus on the text itself.
* Your Page Should Be Set Up Exactly As The Following Purdue Owl Example:

4. When you have completed the assignment, submit your file to Blackboard.
5. Only after you have finished, complete the discussion board assignment on the topic of the article.

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