06.05.2020 • 

1. How does Chief describe time passing? How do the clocks work? (2 points)

2. What is bothering McMurphy that no one else seems to notice? (1 point)

3. Why does McMurphy let the men win at cards eventually (two reasons)? (2 points)

4. Why does the nurse with the birthmark tell McMurphy: “Stay back, I’m Catholic!” (Kesey 64). Explain the humor in this line. Why is her reaction ironic or inappropriate? (3 points)

5. Describe the boxer shorts that McMurphy receives from the literary major (student). What literary allusion and symbolism can you connect to the shorts? (3 points)

6. What has McMurphy discovered about Chief? How does he discover this? (2 points)

7. Describe Chief’s night fantasy. What reality is woven into his dream/vision? (2 points)

8. Explain why the Chief calls the night orderly by his name (Mr. Turkle), while he only refers to the day orderlies as the “Black boys.” (1 point)

9. How is McMurphy like Pete (consider their relationship with the Combine)? (1 point)

10. Describe the toothpaste incident and the questions McMurphy asks. What insights into Mac’s character can we gain from this incident? Who is truly sane/crazy? (3 points)

11. Even though she does eventually regain her composure, what upsets Nurse Ratched the most about McMurphy (and his behavior) this morning? Why? What truly significant event (that occurred overnight) is ignored? (3 points)

12. Describe McMurphy’s “relationship” with the doctor? What minor victory do he and McMurphy achieve? What does Chief realize about the nurse and the Combine that McMurphy does not? (3 points)

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