20.09.2021 • 

(1) Many ancient cultures believed that garlic had magical healing qualities, and it was used for health purposes thousands of years ago in Egypt, Greece, and India. (2) Modern scientists have found that eating garlic really does have several valuable
health benefits. (3) Allicin, the same substance that gives garlic its odor, kills bacteria, viruses, and funguses. (4) Cloves of
garlic also contain selenium, a nutrient that helps prevent the oxidation in cells which can lead to cancer. (5) Garlic has also
been shown to lower blood pressure. (6) It can help reduce the chance of heart attack or stroke by thinning the blood, which
prevents clots from forming. (7) And garlic can clear the sinuses and relieve cold symptoms; like commercial decongestants,
it thins mucus so sinuses and lungs can flush themselves out more easily.
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