17.12.2020 • 

1 point 2. Why were armed guards needed to walk Ruby Bridges into her new
school? (R1.1)
and somewhere else,
the Freedom Singers have linked arms,
their protests rising into song:
Deep in my heart, I do believe
that we shall overcome someday.
and somewhere else, James Baldwin
is writing about injustice, each novel,
cach essay, changing the world,
I do not yet know who I'll be
what I'll say
how I'll say it...
Not even three years have passed since a brown girl
named Ruby Bridges
walked into an all-white school.
Armed guards surrounded her while hundreds
of white people spat and called her names.
She was six years old.
O a. She was considered a dangerous threat to the community
O b. They were protecting her from death threats from angry white people,
O c. Her parents demanded that she have protection to attend school.
d. None of the abova

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