12.04.2021 • 

1. Summarize "Carroll's View of Children." (This includes all of the essay following that heading.) Your summary should be one paragraph long (about 5-7 sentences). Remember, a summary contains only the main ideas. 2. Choose one subtopic (either "Children and Language," Children and Imagination," or "Children and Education") and paraphrase the first paragraph of that subtopic. Remember, a paraphrase includes the main idea and supporting details. Your paraphrase should be roughly the same length as the original paragraph.

If there is a direct quotation from Carroll in the paragraph, you may include it in your paraphrase. Just be sure to use quotation marks and give Carroll proper credit!

3. Label each paragraph "Summary" or "Paraphrase."

4. Remember that the word choice and sentence structure must be your own. Only keywords, proper nouns, and numbers/dates can remain unchanged. Be very careful!

5. Do not plagiarize. Review the lesson in Module 1 on Summaries and Paraphrases.

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