28.01.2020 • 

1. the sentence provided may contain a grammar or usage error. read the sentence, and then identify its error, if there is one, by choosing the appropriate letter. if there is no error in the sentence, choose e.

if you'd answered my question about geometry correct, i might have believed that you were a mathematician.

question options:

if you'd

my question about


you were

no error

2. read the sentence and identify its error. if there is no error, choose e.

the heat and the humidity is why i really dislike spending the summer in the city.

question options:


i really dislike


in the city

no error

3. read the sentence and identify its error. if there is no error, choose e.

4. kevin and denise think roller coasters are scary, and those are something with which i disagree.

question options:

kevin and denise think

are scary,

those are

with which

no error

5. read the sentence and identify its error. if there is no error, choose e.

the british prime minister who is visiting the u.s. this week, is extremely charismatic and intelligent.

question options:

the british

minister who

the u.s.


no error

6. read the sentence and identify its error. if there is no error, choose e.

the last time we visit this park, you said that there were lots of fish in the pond.

question options:

the last

we visit

park, you

there were

no error

7. read the sentence, and decide whether the underlined portion contains a mistake. if so, identify the best way to correct or improve the sentence by choosing the appropriate suggestion from answer choices a - d. if the underlined portion requires no correction or improvement, choose e.

the increase in taxes are sure to make many voters angry with the politicians they elected.

question options:

an increase in taxes is sure to make

increasing in taxes are sure to makes

the increased taxes is to make

increases in taxes is sure to make

no improvement or correction is required.

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