18.03.2022 • 

1 What a weekend! Boy, am I beati First, we went to the amusement park. As usual, the main amusement was Uncle Herman. He kept us laughing all the way there with his
silly hip-hop don't-stop-till-you-drop rapping. Then, we went to see the new Magnet
Man movie. I can't help it-I think Magnet Man rules!
2 Some weekends are dull, and some are filled with excitement. Last Saturday, 1
discovered a perfect recipe for weekend amusement Fill the day with activity of
course, the presence of Uncle Herman, who has his own unique brand of comedy,
added greatly to the weekend's pleasures. The latest chapter in the adventures of
Magnet Man rounded off the day's activities. Magnet Man combines extraordinary
powers with human qualities, and I find I am fascinated by his character
Which paragraph is written in an informal or casual style?
Give a word or phrase that is an example of this informal style,
Give a more formal word or phrase from the other paragraph.
What word would you use to describe the writer's tone, or attitude towards
the topic, in the first paragraph?
Which paragraph uses longer sentences?

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