07.03.2020 • 

1) Which is the most accurate summary of the article?
National harks provide rare opportunities for humans
to interact with many species of wild animals.
America must preserve its national parks so that
future generations will be aware of the sacrifices that
were made to create the parks.
The National Parks are important places in which
people can learn about nature and the relationship
between human society and the natural world.
Without National Parks Americans will have no way
D) to learn about the types of biomes that once were
spread throughout the North American continent.

2) Choose two sentences from the article which support the answer to
the previous question.
A)Parks can help us understand humanity's relationship
to the natural world,

B)They are powerful resources offering unique place-
based learning opportunities.
The Park Service has always considered education to
C) be a part of its mission but has focused on it only
New technologies such as the Internet, are creating
different and exciting ways of teaching and learning
in and about parks.
Holding a salamander in Congaree Swamp hearing
the howl of a gray wolf on Isle Royale, or watching
the fall migration of sandhill cranes in Denali can
remind us that we are but a part of a large and
infinitely complex living system

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