01.10.2019 • 

1) which of the following is a sentence fragment?
-the student read the whole book.
-reading is fun.
-my own choice of books.
-there are more books at the library.
2) identify the sentence pattern: the teacher gave the class a grueling test.
-s-v-o (subject-verb-object)
-s-v-i-o (subject-verb-indirect object-direct object)
-s-v-n (subject-verb-predicate nominative)
-s-v-a (subject-verb-predicate adjective)
3)identify the sentence pattern: the quarterback's abilities were obvious to everyone.
-s-v-o (subject-verb-object)
-s-v-i-o (subject-verb-indirect object-direct object)
-s-v-n (subject-verb-predicate nominative)
-s-v-a (subject-verb-predicate adjective)
4)fix this fragment: but are facing extinction.
-add a verb.
-add a object.
-add a preposition.
-add a subject.
5)identify the underlined words in the sentence: the athlete _sprinted_ across the field.
-complete predicate
-simple predicate
-simple subject
-complete subject
6)identify the underlined words in the sentence: the bright copper _coin_ sparkled on the sidewalk.
-complete subject
-simple subject
-complete predicate
-simple predicate
7)**two answers.**which of the following sentences have predicate nominatives.
-cats are incredibly cute animals.
-the boy ran to the store quickly.
-computers can perform many simple tasks much faster than humans.
-the chicken crossed the road to get to the other side
-music is one of the best tools to focus while studying.
8)identify the complete sentence.
-have survived for centuries.
-the wolf will be extinct in a few years.
-a keen sense of smell, great hearing and the will to survive.
-ground squirrels, deer, or moose.

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