30.01.2020 • 

1.while some parents are more interested in their own social relationships than in their children, other parents spend their evenings working or involved in time-consuming activities which keep them from spending those hours with their sons or daughters. when parents are preoccupied or away, children will seek attention elsewhere, usually in undesirable surroundings, with people who will recognize and accept them. in a situation of too much freedom and no discipline, the child gets into trouble, and parents often discover the problem too late. the lack of parental discipline and concern frequently results in severe problems for both the child and the parent.

in the paragraph above, what five details did the author give to prove his topic sentence?
2.what pattern of development would best fit the following topic?

"the freshwater and saltwater flounder"

general to particular
particular to general
chronological order
spatial order. the following paragraph closely, paying attention to the topic sentence (which is italicized).

a path represents life in many ways. a path may be well-worn and traveled. sometimes a path is winding and full of undergrowth. sometimes a path is very level, and the surroundings are serene. paths often fork into several directions. paths oftentimes have landmarks and signs for travelers. paths have an end.

write a point-by-point comparison paragraph using the same topic sentence, but making life be the subject of the supporting sentences.
4.what pattern of development would best fit the following topic?

"an hour in the dentist's office"

general to particular
particular to general
chronological order
spatial order
5.what pattern of development would best fit the following topic?

"boggstown--how it used to look"

general to particular
particular to general
chronological order
spatial order

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