05.02.2020 • 

100 pts and !

refer to your expeditions in reading book for a complete version of this text.

part a

how does the author of “solar power for public buildings” support the claim that there is a broad base of support for solar energy?
a. by describing how the environment will benefit if people convert to solar

b. by providing results of research into how the public feels about the use of solar power

c. by showing how the use of solar energy improves the quality of people’s lives

d. by explaining that scientists are conducting many studies about the use of solar energy

part b

which evidence from the text best supports the answer to part a?

a. “the study lasted 12 years. it was very thorough. in the end, he described solar power as ‘hugely popular, overwhelmingly popular.’ his study found that 90 percent of americans want to see the use of solar energy and wind energy rise (mcmahon).”

b. “more than a dozen professors, engineers, and academics participated in the study cited above. they stated that the ‘main goal’ of american solar policy should be ‘a massive scale-up of solar generation’ (schmalensee xi).”

c. “so pollution levels will drop ('benefits of renewable energy use'). big cities will have less smog. there will be fewer health problems from breathing dirty air. rivers and streams will also be less contaminated. drinking water will be cleaner.“

d. “power blackouts will be less common. spikes in electricity prices will disappear (dougherty). there won’t be as many noisy power plants. fewer ugly oil rigs will dot the landscape.”

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