29.10.2020 • 

12) Select the correctly punctuated sentence. A• Artists often dedicate long hours, to the pursuit of their vocation, therefore, they may

without thinking about it stay up until all hours of the night.

B• Artists often dedicate long hours to the pursuit of their vocation; therefore, they may,

without thinking about it, stay up until all hours of the night.

C• Artists, often dedicate long hours to the pursuit of their vocation, therefore they may

without thinking about it stay up until all hours of the night.

D• Artists often dedicate long hours to the pursuit of their vocation therefore they may, without

thinking about it, stay up until all hours of the night.

E• Artists often dedicate long hours to the pursūt of their vocation, therefore, they may

without thinking about it, stay up until all hours of the night.

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