17.05.2021 • 

2. PART B: Which section from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
O A “You sound like them white boys you go to school with,
you know that?' my friends would say, with a tone
parked somewhere between amused disdain and
outright disgust." ( Paragraph 5)
OB "Carlson concluded in a segment on Hannity's program
last October, presenting Obama's altered speech as
evidence of pandering." ( Paragraph 11)
OC "I learned early on, thanks to that g-word nonsense,
that expertly navigating another culture wasn't a
rejection of where I'd come from or a signal that I was
any less authentically black." ( Paragraph 23)
D "As more cultures join America's melting pot, that's
why code-switching remains so valuable." (
Paragraph 26)

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