11.07.2019 • 

25 point me ! question 5 identify the pronoun in this sentence: hooray! our team won the championship! question 5 options: championship won hooray our question 6 (1 point) question 6 unsaved identify the adjective in this sentence: green vegetables should be part of your diet everyday. question 6 options: everyday green diet should question 7 (1 point) question 7 unsaved identify the preposition in this sentence: i will be running in the christmas marathon next year. question 7 options: in be marathon next question 8 (1 point) question 8 unsaved identify the conjunction in this sentence: my puppy is very hyper, but she also loves to sleep. question 8 options: very loves to but question 9 (1 point) question 9 unsaved identify the verb in this sentence: my cat loves to sleep in the sunshine. question 9 options: cat my loves sunshine question 10 (1 point) question 10 unsaved identify the interjection in this sentence: stop! you are going to hit the garage. question 10 options: garage stop hit are

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