05.05.2021 • 

3. How did Elie’s father respond when he learned his name had been written down? 4. What did Akiba Drumer ask the others to do for him? Did they do it?

5. Why was Elie placed in the hospital?

6. Why was the camp to be evacuated? What did Elie learn of the fate of those who stayed behind in the hospital?

Nearpod Questions

Please answer the questions below to prepare for the class discussion. No quotations needed

1. Reversal is a major theme in Night. How does Eliezer’s faith reverse from Chapter 1 to Chapter 5?

2. What sort of universe does Eliezer imagine when he dreams?

How has the relationship between Eliezer and his father changed during their time at Auschwitz? What has each come to represent to the other?

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