27.01.2021 • 

44 POINTS PLEASE UWU use info from chart and write a INTRODUCTION paragraph 7th grade level Core Prompt: How did the colonists justify breaking away from Great Britain?

In your response, be sure to

-Identify the colonial motives behind breaking away from Britain.

-Identify the claims made by the British and colonists.

-Identify and analyze the evidence which supports the claim made by colonists who wanted to break away from Britain..

-Use details from multiple sources to support your response.

American Revolution Performance Task

By the mid–eighteenth century the thirteen American colonies, which were to later become the United States, contained well over one million inhabitants. The French and Indian War was fought to protect the American colonists from the French and their Native American allies. The cost of this war was enormous. As a result, the British had very high taxes in their country. They decided to shift some of the burden to the colonists so they passed the Stamp Act of 1765. This taxed all legal documents, newspapers, and other documents. It was met with a great uproar in the Colonies. This tax was repealed in 1766, but it was just the beginning of the problems between the colonists and the British. There were numerous others such as the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. These issues eventually led to the start of the American Revolution and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. When the British finally surrendered on October 19th, 1781, Americans were officially independent of Great Britain.


This task will assess your ability to combine your knowledge of the American Revolution, analyze historical documents, and present your thinking in response to a prompt, in a well organized essay. The task is based on documents 1-7 and will be graded on a rubric.

You will need to choose and use 4 of the documents given to write an essay in response to:

How did the colonists justify breaking away from Great Britain?

You have been provided with a graphic organizer to help organize your thoughts and ideas.

Your essay must include the following:


Body Paragraphs


You must make a claim as to what you believe in regards to the prompt. When you have made your claim, you must use evidence to support you claim. Your evidence must be explained as well. You should use no less than 4 documents to support your claim.

What is the Central Idea of the document?

Document #_1__

The central idea here is that since the british engaged in war solely for the protection of the colonists then the colonists should pay back the cost of the money the british had lost.

Document #_2__

The central Idea of this document shows the difference between how much tax colonists paid and how much tax british citizens paid.

the colonists paid the british an average of 336.75 pounds per colonist which is $462.35 american dollars per year

The british citizens paid an average of 13.42 per year.

Document #__5_

This document shows the british soldiers ruthlessly firing at the colonists and killing some.

This shows how unfair the British were and how cold hard and emotionless they were.

Document #_6__

The central idea here is that the colonists should not be be friends with the british no more.

1 introductory paragraph

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