25.11.2021 • 

5 Effective Tips to E Tutoring Attendance Population Data: D.
e Reading list
Read the passage. Consider the narrator's perspective
and the historical context.
How does the narrator's perspective influence her
Why does the narrator feel proud of her actions?
Then, when the girls in my room stood irresolute,
uncertain what to do, asking each other, "Would you?" or
"Shall we turn out?" and not one of them having the
courage to lead off, I, who began to think they would not
go out, after all their talk, became impatient, and started
on ahead, saying, with childish bravado, "I don't care
what you do, I am going to turn out, whether any one else
does or not;" and I marched out, and was followed by the
As I looked back at the long line that followed me, I was
more proud than I have ever been since at any success I
may have achieved, and more proud than I shall ever be
again until my own beloved State gives to its women
citizens the right of suffrage.
-Loom and Spindle,
Harriet H. Robinson
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