16.10.2020 • 

6.03 Comprehension Quiz Question 1: What was the condition of Thoreau's cabin when he moved in?
A. It was luxurious, with all technology

B. It was pretty worn down, as people had been living there for hundreds of years before he moved in

C. It was unfinished. He built it himself, but there were cracks in the walls and no chimney when he moved in

D. He did not live in a cabin; he lived in a tent

Question 2: Why did Thoreau leave the woods?
A. His cabin was not sufficient to protect him for winter

B. He got into a routine at the cabin, which is the exact thing he tried to escape from by moving to the woods

C. He craved the technology of the modern world, which he did not have in the woods

D. He had to give the cabin back to the family that owned it

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