19.10.2019 • 

7.why does the town interpret the a in the sky to stand for angel, based on chapter 12 of the scarlet letter?

a. the town believes that they're being punished for being so immoral, and an angel has come to save them.
b. the town sees the a as an angel who is sent to bring them penance.
c. governor winthrop had died that evening, so they believe the a stands for the angel into which he was turned.
d. they feel that an angel is watching over their town because of all the sinning that has taken place.

8.what lie does hester tell pearl about her scarlet letter in chapter 16 of the scarlet letter?

a. hester tells pearl that it is the mark of the black man.
b. hester tells pearl that she was selected by the town to wear the letter as a reward for being so pure.
c. hester tells pearl that she has always worn the scarlet letter, even since birth.
d. hester explains to pearl that it's a great honor for her to wear the letter.

9.what effect does dimmesdale's confession have on chillingworth, as explained in the conclusion of the scarlet letter?

a. he is rejuvenated by dimmesdale's confession, and experiences better health.
b. he is crippled by the weight of dimmesdale's confession, and withers away and dies within a year.
c. chillingworth commends dimmesdale on his honesty.
d. chillingworth is so embarrassed by dimmesdale's confession that he leaves salem for england.

10.what is the best description of roderick usher’s character based on the following passage:

“he suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses; the most insipid food was alone endurable; he could wear only garments of certain texture; the odors of all flowers were oppressive; his eyes were tortured by even a faint light; and there were but peculiar sounds, and these from stringed instruments, which did not inspire him with horror.”

a. usher is a joker, and playing tricks on the narrator.
b. he is a tortured man, plagued by man peculiar habits.
c. usher is very friendly and fun to be around.
d. he is shy, and afraid of people.

11.what is the significance of reverend dimmesdale saying, "come hither! come, my little pearl! " in chapter 23 of the scarlet letter?

a. it's the first time that pearl ever meets him.
b. it's his public confession that pearl is his daughter.
c. it's the first time he has spoken to the child.
d. it's his punishment for pearl for ignoring him for so long.

12. how can the reader tell that goodman brown has been changed by his experience in the woods, based on the following description:

“turning the corner by the meeting-house, he spied the head of faith, with the pink ribbons, gazing anxiously forth, and bursting into such joy at the sight of him that she skipped along the street and almost kissed her husband before the whole village. but goodman brown looked sternly and sadly into her face, and passed on without a greeting.”

a. he doesn’t recognize her, so the reader knows something happened to his mind.
b. he is crying, so the reader can see how shaken he is by the events in the woods.
c. he kisses his wife for the entire village to see, which he would not have done, previously.
d. he ignores his wife, whom he had been in love with before he left.

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