02.08.2019 • 

8. how does pap feel about huck’s education, and the fact that he can read and write? pap does not like the school huck is attending, and thinks he could do a better job educating his son. pap feels that huck has enough money at judge thatcher’s house, so he does not need to learn to read and write. pap believes that education is important, and that huck should keep attending school. pap believes that, by going to school, huck is trying to prove he is better than his father. 9.huck and jim are both prone to superstitious beliefs. what commentary is mark twain making about superstition in chapter 4? twain is satirizing superstitious beliefs, and pointing out the flaw in relying too heavily on superstition. twain is showing the reader how superstition can be real, as huck’s pap comes home right after jim sees him. twain is trying to convince his readers of the truth behind his personal superstitious ideas. twain is showing the reader that huck’s feelings about his pap are based on superstition, rather than reality.

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