18.09.2019 • 

80 !
here is your goal for this assignment:
write two unified, coherent paragraphs on separate topics using separate methods of development
this project gives you the opportunity to apply the concepts of unity and coherence in your writing. choose two of the five methods of paragraph development below and write two paragraphs on separate topics. your goal is to write two unified, coherent paragraphs on separate topics using separate methods of development.
chronological order
spatial order
general to particular
particular to general
your selection of a method will depend on your purpose. if for example, you decide to write a narrative paragraph, you will use chronological order. descriptive paragraphs are usually developed using spatial order. the other methods are most often used in expository paragraphs.
choose one of the following titles as a prompt for a topic (or use another, teacher-approved topic).
1. one long hour
2. the advantage of over
3. the room
4. there's a need for today
as you write and revise, ask yourself these questions:
1. do all of the sentences in this paragraph belong here? (unity)
2. are all of the sentences in this paragraph in the right place? (coherence--method of development)
3. are all of the sentences in this paragraph smoothly connected together into a whole paragraph? (coherence--use of transitional devices)
once you've made certain that your paragraphs are both unified and coherent, edit your work for problems in grammar and mechanics before submitting it to your teacher.

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