02.07.2020 • 

A)Choose media outlets that provide daily coverage. Monthly periodicals and journals are not a good choice for this assignment, but many weekly news magazines also have websites that provide more frequent reporting. a)Use your graphic organizer to keep track of a news story as it unfolds across a period of time. Choose a story that is likely to have continuous coverage. For example, a breaking news item will probably have follow-up stories over the next week, while an in-depth profile of a writer or artist will probably not be updated.
b)Consider how the story evolves depending on the handling of new events, information, and perspectives in news articles. Consider how media outlets report the effects of the news story, and note how the sources present opinions on the story in the form of editorials and op-ed pieces.
c)In addition to the notes you take in your graphic organizer, keep track of the titles, authors, and URLs of articles you read as the story develops.

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