02.12.2021 • 

A leisurely, 100-yard swim brought is to the off-shore reef. We were looking for loose shells, unusual coral formations, flowering anemones, and brightly colored fish; we were looking out for sea spines, fine coral, moray eels, and unfriendly sharks. Jason had brought some bread crusts to entice the tiny reef fish, and Jen hoped that her can of cheese curls would attract some of the larger, hungry inhabitants. Dan and Joe had tucked some leftover chum in their pockets, just in case they saw a nosy squid or a scouting ray. Excited by the unexplored wonders of the reef and energized by the cool, clear, Caribbean waters, we skimmed along the shallower, in-shore edges of the reef. Jess and I poked contentedly at the buzzing population of colorful creatures hidden in the cracks and crevices of the craggy coral. Jen, Jason, Dan, and Joe had rounded the ocean side of the reef and were out of sight. However, a cloud of chum and crumbs, propelled by voluminous bubbles churned near the turn in the reef. It appeared to be a school of fish. Jess and I raced recklessly toward the troubled waters. As we rounded the reef, we discovered a mass of frenzied fish swarming around our friends. Onthe deep, blue, ocean edge of this frightening scenario circled a dark, foreboding shape...In each blank, add an adjective that describes some of the sights you might have seen on the reef. Try to choose words that draw strong visual images and have notbeen used in the story.17. rocks18. coral19. scales20.skies21. sounds22. waves23. creature24. eyes25. the place of nouns and other pronouns. Antecedent is the word the pronoun takes the place of.Underline the pronoun(s)and circle the matching antecedent(s).Example: Becky carried hercupcake to the trash, and threw itaway.26. Students brought their lunches to the beach.27. Ken took Meg home on his new motorcycle.28. The divers found pieces of coral and brought them back to the boat.29. Joe and John could have kept the trophy, but they decided to share it. 30. The members of the class turned in their term papers.31. We keep the priceless vase in its special cabinet.32. Neither Erin nor Scott ate their lunches.33. Becky and Susie blamed themselves for the accident.34. The girl who had been hit by the dune buggy regained consciousness.35. The ball touched the player’s hands before he noticed the wasp perched on it.

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