12.01.2021 • 

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared without the use of like or as. A metaphor takes the form of a direct statement (or direct comparison). For example, Dad is a bear today.

Metaphors are often defined by their use of the word as, as compared to similes which use the words like or as.

Metaphors must share common ground. In the example, “Dad is a bear today,” the common ground is grouchiness. Review the metaphors below. After each metaphor, write the common ground that the two objects share.

17. {example} [Jerry has a green thumb to make his plants grow well.]
both Jerry and his green thumb make things grow.

18. [Mom is a bear in the mornings.]

19. [He is such an angel!]

20. [Mrs. Java is a dragon with her coffee breath!]

Can you come up with metaphors of your own and explain the meaning of them? Write your metaphors in the spaces below:

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