11.10.2021 • 

A. On the space provided before the number, write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
1. Academic writing requires concentration and comprehension.
2.Academic texts are completely differebnt from non-academic texts in terms of
structure, content, and style.
3. Author of academic texts are usually present facts to support their main argument.
4. Completing academic readings appears to be a challenge in which students fall.
5. Critical reading strategies lead the readers to a full understanding of the text.
6. Essentially, the language of academic texts is precise and accurate.
7. One has to determine his/her purpose before reading.
8. Reading strategies differ from one person to another.
9. Successful readers of academic texts generally integrate valuable information or
ideas from one source to another.
10. Through writing annotations, readers are guided on important ideas presented in
the tex

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