26.03.2021 • 

A student is writing a research report for science class about sunscreens. Read the credible source the student found and the directions that follow. Source 1: “Understanding how Sunscreen Works” by Tim Sheib

People are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, or UV, from the sun whenever they are outdoors. Ultraviolet rays produce radiation at wavelengths that are shorter than light rays but longer than X-rays. Sunscreen is made to protect skin from the damage UV can cause and is made from a combination of chemicals designed to either reflect light away from the skin or to absorb the sun's rays so that they do not affect the skin. Sunscreens are designed to block two types of ultraviolet radiation. The first type of UV is the one that causes wrinkling and age spots because it affects the deeper skin layers. The second type of UV causes sunburns. Sunscreens are rated by their Sun Protection Factor, or SPF, which indicates how well the sunscreen will protect the skin and approximately how long it will take before the skin begins to burn. For example, SPF 20 sunscreen will prevent burning for 20 times longer than it usually takes a person's skin to burn with no protection at all. However, studies have shown that sunscreens with an SPF higher than 50 are not likely to offer more protection than a sunscreen of 50.

The student found another source. Read Source 2.

Source 2: “Ultraviolet Rays and Sunscreen” by Louie Benjamin

The sun produces ultraviolet radiation, which can have damaging effects on the skin. The redness and pain of sunburns is caused by the sun's invisible rays. In addition to sunburn, ultraviolet rays can cause age spots and wrinkling. The combination of ingredients in sunscreen can either reflect or absorb UV radiation and provide protection that is measured in SPF (Sun Protection Factor). The higher the SPF, the more protection the sunscreen provides. The type of sunscreen is also important since some kinds of UV can cause cell damage to the skin.

5. Which of the following sentences from Source 2 has information with gaps, or information that is inconsistent with the information in Source 1?

Question 5 options:

The sun produces ultraviolet radiation, which can have damaging effects on the skin. The redness and pain of sunburns is caused by the sun's invisible rays.

In addition to sunburn, ultraviolet rays can cause age spots and wrinkling.

The combination of ingredients in sunscreen can either reflect or absorb UV radiation and provide protection that is measured in SPF (Sun Protection Factor).

The higher the SPF, the more protection the sunscreen provides.

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