16.12.2020 • 

A student is writing a science report for his geology class about volcanoes. The student wants to revise the draft to have a stronger thesis statement. Read the draft of the report and complete the task that follows. Volcanoes are interesting for a lot of reasons. First, volcanoes are known to be dangerous because of the lava and ash they produce when they erupt. While it is true that lava is hot and destructive, not all volcanoes erupt in a catastrophic way. Another reason volcanoes are destructive is the ash they spew into the air. This ash can be quite thick, making it difficult for people to breathe and treacherous for pilots attempting to fly near it.

Despite their destructive qualities, volcanoes are actually quite beautiful. With their unique cone shape and their brilliantly colored explosions and lava flows, volcanoes produce some of the most stunning images in nature.

Finally, while it is true that volcanoes are dangerous to the environment in some ways, they are also quite beneficial in other ways. Yes, volcanic eruptions with lava and ash are harmful to the air and land around them. Apart from that, though, volcanic ash, once it hits the ground, is easily absorbed. Once in the soil, it provides valuable nutrients to help plants grow successfully. In addition to this, volcanoes help cool the Earth by allowing some of its heat to escape through eruptions.

Choose the sentence that would make the best thesis statement for the report.
Volcanoes are worth studying because people need to figure out how to stop them from erupting.
Volcanoes are an amazing part of nature because they are so dangerous and can be so harmful to the environment and the air.
Volcanoes are cool because of their ash, their lava, and their shape.
Volcanoes are one of the wonders of the natural world because of their destructive qualities, their natural beauty, and their contributions to the environment.

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