28.04.2021 • 

ACTIVITY 9 | Writing a conclusion with sentence variety Use these simple sentences to write a conclusion for the essay. Follow the steps below to create
greater sentence variety. Delete and add extra words as needed.
1. Every day, the number of distractions is increasing.
b. Every day, the amount of time is decreasing.
c. It seems that way, at least.
d. Social media has greatly enriched people's lives.
e. There is no question about this.
f. Students can spend too much time on distractions.
When this happens, accomplishing tasks becomes more difficult.
h. This is especially true for students.
i. Time is a limited resource.
j. Students need to realize this.
k. Students need to plan their time wisely.
1. Poor time management prevents students from being successful.
m. The success is in school and their lives.
n. Luckily, this barrier can be overcome rather easily.
o. To do this, follow these simple recommendations.
1. Combine sentences a-c. Begin with It seems that...
2. Combine sentences d and e. Begin with There is no question that...
3. Combine sentences f-h. Use an adverbial clause of time.
4. Combine sentences i-k. Use a transition word or phrase.
5. Combine sentences I and m. Use a transition word or phrase.
6. Combine sentences n and o.

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