28.01.2020 • 

Ademocracy or england arguement essay- grade / give advice

a titular monarch is according to the text, queen elizabeth ii of england, “the figurative head of state.” meaning, that queen elizabeth ii has no power when it comes to reigning great britain. today, the government has the power, while the ruler is only a symbol. the english governing system is looking very similar and is evolving into something very similar to the u.s’. since the changes are going this way, england might as well revise their government type and switch to a democracy.
the english government and parliament rule great britain, instead of the royal family. for instance, in ‘queen elizabeth ii of england’, the text states, “the (titular monarch) does not govern the country or make decisions that directly affect the lives of the citizens.” another example mentioned in the text says, “the reigning king or queen does not rule the nation.” this means, that the government and parliament in great britain are what truly rule the country, while the royal family is the public’s view of england.
according to the text, queen elizabeth ii of england’, “during a recession, she [queen elizabeth ii] started to pay income taxes … to diminish resentment over royal wealth during a period of economic hardship in great britain.” the ruler, nicknamed the ‘goodwill ambassador’ is responsible for, according to paragraph 7 in ‘queen elizabeth ii’ [queen elizabeth ii] “hosts and attends major events and celebrations…”. in addition, from paragraph 15, “ [queen elizabeth ii] hosts leaders from other countries … [and] visits other nations to promote her country.” these are a few of the things the ruler does.
it is appropriate to mention, from ‘aristotle in democracy’ “[democracy has in view the interest] of the needy.” this quote shows that democracy is to those who are needy, which the ‘period of economic hardship’ shows that great britain faces difficulties associated with money. if great britain switched to a democracy, and eliminated having a family of royalty, england would flourish with an expansion of careers, increase in profits, from a decline of taxes, because from ‘queen elizabeth ii of england’ “ [parliament can] enable the government to raise taxes”.

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