10.06.2020 • 

After reading the passages on the last two pages by Theodor Herzl and George Smith, you are going to answer the questions below to better understand each author's beliefs on the creation of a Jewish
State. Refer back to the evidence and claims from both “The Jewish State" and Syria and the Holy
Land to fill in the information needed, then rewrite your paragraph at the bottom. Tell us which
author you agree with more and support your opinion with evidence and ideas from the readings
Directions: Identify the first author's source, point of view and supporting evidence.
In the article we are people and people (author's name) Theodor
(begin with like argues avec compeneficial effect for a cadele
(author's last name) Herz
supports their claim by (use a verb here such as: illustrating,
showing, telling, explaining, demonstrating, describing)
Directions: Compare and contrast the second author's points of view and supporting evidence.
(In comparison, In contrast, On the other hand)
in the article
(second author's name)
(use a verb here such as: argues, asserts, claims, contends)
(second author's last name) supports their claim by (use a verb here such as: illustrating,
showing, telling, explaining, demonstrating, listing, describing)
Directions: Evaluate the claims of both authors.
In evaluating these claims and their supporting evidence, I agree with
perspective because

Anyone know how to do this please help

After reading the passages on the last two pages by Theodor Herzl and George Smith, you are going

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