01.06.2021 • 

All high school students should study a foreign language because it would help American society be more cohesive, and it would better prepare students for world travel. First, America is full of interesting people from diverse backgrounds. Although English is the official language of the United States, many people who live here speak something else as their primary language. To support the diversity that makes the U.S. such an amazing country, every high school student should put forth the effort to study a foreign language as well as a foreign culture. This will allow us as Americans to communicate more efficiently.
In addition to communicating on American soil, learning a foreign language can help high school students prepare for foreign travel later in life. Traveling is such an incredible opportunity, especially if it involves visiting a country that is unlike the one you come from. If high school students spoke a foreign language, it would be easier to communicate once they were out of the U.S.

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