27.01.2021 • 

All in the book night 3. When they reached a station, where were they? What would they do there? 4. What did Madame Schächter’s cries foreshadow?

Chapter Three
1. As they arrived at Auschwitz, why do you think Elie was apprehensive when the women went one way and the men went the other way? Were his fears realistic? Explain.

2. “Behind me, an old man fell to the ground. Near him was an SS man, putting his revolver back in its holster.” What had actually happened in this scene?

3. Explain why the prisoner told Elie to say that he was eighteen, rather than fifteen.

4. Why, when the young men with the knives tried to incite the others to revolution, did the wind of revolt die down?

5. What was Dr. Mengele’s role at Auschwitz?

6. What was in the lorry that was brought to the ditch? How did Elie react to what he saw?

7. What was the first sign that Elie was beginning to question God?
8. Elie made up his mind what he would do if he were forced into the ditch with the burning bodies. What was his plan of action? What kept him from doing it?

9. As Elie and the others made their way into the barracks, why were some of the prisoners armed with truncheons and ready to use them?

10.What was the job of the men of the Sonder-Kommando? How were they chosen?

11.Beginning with giving up their clothes, describe the process all new prisoners went through when they came to the camp. Why do you think they had to do this?

12.Why do you suppose Elie did nothing when the Gypsy in charge gave his father a clout that knocked him to the ground?

13.Why do you think the young Pole, the prisoner in charge, spoke those “first human words”?

14.Why did Elie lie to Stein, Reizel’s husband?

15.Do you think Elie and his father believed that Tzipora and his mother were still alive? Explain.

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