19.12.2020 • 

Analyzing Pivotal Words and Phrases Directions Carefully read the poem "Heart to Heart" by Rita Dove. Although the title of the poem is "Heart to Heart," the word heart never appears in the poem itself. Instead, the speaker refers to hearts in many ways. Write an analysis of how the poet uses pivotal words and phrases to describe qualities of a heart and what a heart may represent. "HEART TO HEART" BY RITA DOVE It's neither red nor sweet. It doesn't melt or turn over, 5break or harden, so it can't feel pain, yearning, regret. 10It doesn't have a tip to spin on, it isn't even shapely— just a thick clutch 15of muscle, lopsided, mute. Still, I feel it inside its cage sounding 20a dull tattoo: I want, I want— but I can't open it: there's no key. I can't wear it 25on my sleeve, or tell you from the bottom of it how I feel. Here, it's all yours, now— 30but you'll have to take me, too.

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