23.04.2021 • 

Animal Farm Theme Theory Assertion Paragraph There are central ideas or issues hiding in the books we read. The author will not tell you directly; the ideas and issues are behind the words and when you read you find yourself thinking about them. Common issues/ideas in books: Gender Roles Power Oppression Change Corruption Human Nature Learning Power Abuse Peer Pressure Identity Influences Relationships Life Lessons Lies and Deceit Violence And Many More! 1. Identify 3-4 central issues/ideas in Animal Farm. Use the list above and/or add ideas of your own. For each idea, include a brief description of how it appears throughout the story. 2. It’s not enough to just name the ideas. Consider how the book wants you to think about each idea. List the ideas again in the space below. Next to each idea write what message you think the book is sending about the idea. Look over your responses on the previous page. A theme is both the subject (#1) combined with the author’s int

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