21.11.2020 • 

Antwan wished his mother asked him what was wrong. At the same time, he wished she left him alone. He regretted saying, “You wouldn’t understand” when she wanted to talk. So, Antwan lay in bed, pillow over his head and sulked. He didn’t know that his mother was standing by the door, watching him. First, he smelled the pizza with garlic powder, his favorite, and took the pillow away from his face.

“I also have lemonade, buddy,” Mrs. Williams said, coming closer.

Antwan sat up and slid to the edge of the bed. His mother handed the plate to her only child. She never allowed eating in the room. She was being extra kind, and Antwan knew it.
Antwan’s main conflict is that
he does not want to be rude to his mother.
he feels torn about dealing with a problem.
he is never allowed to eat in his room.
he is hungry, thirsty, and feeling sad.

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