20.06.2021 • 

are smart enough to answer all eight question ok good luck one your my brother but your not my brother who am I ? two a 62 year old woman and 16 year old girl walk into restaurant a man walked past and the woman both said " Hello Father ?who is this possible ? there what word became shorter when you add two letters in it ? four a man walked outside in a heavy rainstorm for twenty minutes with out getting a a single hair on his hand wet he did not want a hat ,carry an umbrella or holding anything over his hand his clothes got saonking wet ? how could this happens ? Give two girls were born at the same mother on the same day and at the same time and there same month and year and yet there not twins ? how is this possible ?six which was the first plant to be discovered ? seven where do you find roads without vehicles , forest without trees and cited and houses ? eight a girl was 13 on her last birthday and we'll be and 15 on her next birthday how is this possible ?

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