09.10.2019 • 

Are these socratic questions (open ended questions)?

1. why does the author included a chapter describing about the hair of all of the members in the family? is there any significant meaning behind it? (hair)

2. in the chapter “my name”, what the most important statement in this text and why?

3. what would be another name for “our good day”? why?

4. what kind of observation do you think cisneros is making in this chapter about family? (laughter)

5. do esperanza, nenny, and the shopkeeper have anything in common? what is it? ( gil’s furniture bought & sold)

6. what does the statue of liberty for a dime represent for esperanza? was it significant that she payed for this item? (gil’s furniture)

7. how is esperanza’s identity is being shaped by her community? does it seem to change throughout the story? (those who don’t)

8. how is alicia different from the woman during the 1960s and why is that? could there be a reason why she wants to be different? (alicia who sees mice)

9. an theme is being introduced in this chapter. esperanza is beginning to lose her awkwardness of being a little girl and transforming to a young woman. what lines let you know that esperanza is becoming aware of this transformation? (chancles)

10. what lines in this chapter create the sense of family that esperanza feels? (chancles)

11. when esperanza puts on a dress that makes her older, could this involve with the saying “she was asking for it.” why or why not? was there a reason why that old man assault her? (the first job)

12. has esperanza’s attitude changed from the earlier chapters? why does the main character think this way now than before? (what sally said) hint: between sire and what sally said or before i guess.

13.how does sally become a victim to the fate of the many women on mango street? was there a possibly that sally could change her fate? why or why not? (linoleum roses)

14. in this quote “they will not know i have gone away to come back. for the ones i left behind. for the ones who cannot out.” in the chapter mango says goodbye sometimes. what do you think esperanza will do even when the mayor can not them?

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