07.03.2021 • 

As Elie's father is trying to get some sleep, a doctor comes "only to finish off the patients" by "shouting at them that they were lazy good-for-nothings who only wanted to stay in bed." Elie considers "jumping [the doctor], strangling [the doctor], but he lacked courage and strength to defend his dying father, acknowledging that "even the cry stuck in [his] throat." What other examples are there in the text where Elie feels powerless to retaliate when his father is being abused? MARK ALL THAT APPLY. - This scene parallels Franek tormenting and beating Elie's father when he is unable to march in step despite Elie giving him lessons.

- This scene parallels the Gypsy inmate who slapped Elie's father for asking to use the bathroom while Elie watched, helpless and silent.

- This scene parallels Idek beating Elie's father with an iron bar while Elie watched it happening without moving or saying anything.

- This scene parallels the other sick inmates beating Elie's father and Elie insulting the sick men, which only resulted in them mocking and laughing at Elie.

- This scene parallels the officer striking Elie's father with his club, violently hitting him in the head while Elie doesn't move, fearful of a blow to his own head.

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