25.06.2019 • 

"as with faulkner, or why not balzac, the same chief characters and minor persons crop up in different stories, brought forward into the light in various ways - sometimes in dramatically revealing situations, sometimes in comic and grotesque complications of a kind that only the wildest imagination or shameless reality itself can achieve." which sentence best supports this statement? a. the violent conflicts of a political nature - social and economic - raise the temperature of the intellectual climate. b. garcía márquez has created a world of his own around the imaginary town of macondo. c. but this awareness of death and tragic sense of life is broken by the narrative's apparently unlimited, ingenious vitality which, in its turn, is a representative of the at once frightening and edifying vital force of reality and life itself. d. in its tumultuous, bewildering, yet, graphically convincing authenticity, it reflects a continent and its human riches and poverty.

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