23.09.2020 • 

ASAP! HELP PLEASE! 25 POINTS! Synthesis Activity: Plato’s parable, “The Allegory of the Cave”, is a very well-known story in Western Culture. Is the story still transferable to the ideas of today’s society? How would Plato tell “The Allegory of the Cave” today? Your task is to retell Plato’s story in a different context. Be creative in how you tell this story. You may make any changes that you choose, but you must make sure to include the following elements: Character that is literally or metaphorically imprisoned An unawareness of state (literal or metaphorical blindness) An awakening force (something or someone that causes the character to question his/her situation) A conflict or a choice What do I do?? How do I tell this story in a modern way??

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