18.09.2019 • 

Ased on the thesaurus entry and how the word is used in the paragraph, which word is the closest meaning for plague and why is that meaning the best choice? our washer and dryer are in the basement, and every time i go down there to do laundry, i get frightened. i know i shouldn’t let it plague me, but it’s a dark, creepy place. dad came down with me once to show me that nothing could harm me, but i still don’t like going down there. read the thesaurus entry. plague, v. bother, disturb, trouble, worry a. bother it tells that the speaker felt inconvenienced about doing laundry. b. disturb it tells about the environment of the basement. c. trouble it tells how the speaker felt about going down into the basement. d. worry it tells how the father felt about the speaker's fear.

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