25.02.2020 • 

Author: Sherman Alexie
Rising Action
Think about the protagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the protagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Protagonist’s Action #1

Result of Protagonist’s Action #1

Protagonist’s Action #2

Result of Protagonist’s Action #2

Think about the antagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the antagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Antagonist’s Action #1- They keep putting him down for being smart.

Result of Antagonist’s Action #1- It made feel bad and made him feel like he was doing something wrong by being smart.

Antagonist’s Action #2- They ridiculed him.

Result of Antagonist’s Action #2- He fought with his classmates on a daily basis.

Think about the climax of your story. Describe the choice the protagonist makes to change the course of the conflict.

Falling Action
Think about the falling action of your story. Describe one event of falling action that directly follows your protagonist’s choice.

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