08.12.2021 • 

Author Tony Dietz fittingly uses the more poetic figurative names of the zones of the ocean in this narrative: We live below the light, in the Midnight Zone, two thousand meters under the surface of the sea. The Sunlit Zone barely makes it two hundred meters down. That’s where all life that needs light lives. Beneath the Sunlit Zone is the Twilight Zone, where fish hide from predators and rise only at night to feed. Beneath the Twilight Zone is our world, the Midnight Zone, a darkness lit only by our headlights and the occasional bioluminescent squid.

According to this chart, what is the domain-specific name of the Sunlight Zone you would find in a scientific article?

The Abyssopelagic Zone

The Epipelagic Zone

The Bathypelagic Zone

The Mesopelagic Zone

Author Tony Dietz fittingly uses the more poetic figurative names of the zones of the ocean in this

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